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Can I talk to you for a sec?
- What? - Pino, who's your favorite basketball player?
Magic Johnson.
- Who's your favorite movie star? - Eddie Murphy.
- Who's your favorite rock star? - Prince.
- You're a Prince freak. - Boss. Bruce.
- Prince. - Bruss.
Pino, all you talk about is nigger this and nigger that.
And now your favorite people are so called niggers.
It's different. Magic, Eddie, Prince... are not niggers.
I mean, they're not black, I mean-- Let me explain myself.
They're... They're not really black, right?
I mean, they're black, but they're not really.
They're more than black.
It's different. It's different?
Yeah. To me, it's... it's different.
You know, deep down the side that you wish you were black.
Get the fuck out of here.
Laugh if you want to. You know, your hair's kinkier than mine.
What does that mean?
And you know what they say about dark Italians.
- You know, I been listening and reading - You been reading now?
I read.
I've been reading about your leaders.
Reverend Al ''Mister Doo'' Sharpton.
Jesse ''Keep hope alive''...
- That's fucked up. - ''Keep hope alive.''
Hey, that's fucked. Don't talk about Jesse.
And even the other guy, what's his name? Faraman, Fairakan--
- Minister Farakhan. - Right. Sorry.
Minister Farakhan.
Anyway, Minister Farakhan always talks about the so-called day...
when... when the black man will rise, we will one day...
What does he say? ''We will one day rule the earth
as we did in our glorious past''?
That's right.
What past you talking about? I mean, what... What did I miss?
We started civilization.
Man, keep dreaming, man.
Then you woke up!
Pino, fuck you. Fuck your fucking pizza,
and fuck Frank Sinatra.
Yeah? Well, fuck you, too, and fuck Michael Jackson.
You dago, wop, guinea, garlic-breath, pizza-slinging,
spaghetti-bending, Vic Damone, Perry Como,
Luciano Pavarotti, solo mio, nonsinging motherfucker.
You gold-teeth, gold-chain-wearing,
fried-chicken and biscuit-eating monkey,
ape, baboon, big thigh, fast-running, high-jumping, spear-chucking,
360-degree basketball-dunking,
tit, soon, spade, moulan, yan.
Take your fucking pizza piece and go the fuck back to Africa.
You little slanty-eyed, me-no-speaky-American,
own every fruit and vegetable stand in New York,
bullshit, Reverend Sun Yung Moon,
Summer Olympic '88, Korean kick-boxing, son of a bitch.
You Goya bean-eating, 15-in-a-car,
30-in-an-apartment, pointy shoes, red-wearing,
It's cheap. I got good price for you,
Mayor Kochie, ''How I'm doing?''
Chocolate-egg-cream drinking,
Jew asshole.
Yo! Hold up! Time out!
Time out! Y'all, take a chill!
Ya need to cool that shit out!
vegetable - verdura
teeth - denti
talking - parlando
spear - lancia
speaky - Speaky
spaghetti - spaghetti
spade - vanga
slinging - imbracatura
fried - fritte
italians - italiani
fairakan - fairakan
explain - spiegare
dunking - inzuppare
dreaming - sognare
doing - fare
luciano - luciano
eating - mangiare
bruce - bruce
american - americano
degree - grado
civilization - civiltà
niggers - negri
chucking - serraggio
eddie - eddie
freak - mostro
anyway - comunque
chill - freddo
olympic - olimpico
chicken - pollo
talks - trattativa
guinea - Guinea
every - dejte pozor
garlic - aglio
mayor - sindaco
thigh - coscia
myself - me stessa
earth - terra
perry - perry
africa - Africa
different - diverso
player - giocatore
asshole - stronzo
basketball - pallacanestro
apartment - appartamento
about - di
favorite - favorito
farakhan - farakhan
damone - damone
slanty - slanty
bending - curvatura
chocolate - cioccolato
started - iniziato
bitch - cagna
frank - franco
right - destra
boxing - boxe
stand - stare in piedi
sorry - scusa
jesse - jesse
cheap - a buon mercato
breath - respiro
other - altro
pizza - pizza
bruss - Bruss
magic - magia
called - chiamato
chain - catena
fruit - frutta
fucked - scopata
drinking - potabile
sharpton - Sharpton
fucking - cazzo
glorious - glorioso
minister - ministro
murphy - murphy
black - nero
jackson - jackson
always - sempre
price - prezzo
summer - estate
johnson - Johnson
bullshit - cazzate
reading - lettura
jumping - salto
biscuit - biscotto
kinkier - kinkier
kochie - kochie
reverend - reverendo
baboon - babbuino
korean - coreano
laugh - ridere
running - in esecuzione
little - piccolo
piece - pezzo
michael - michael
monkey - scimmia
leaders - capi
motherfucker - motherfucker
moulan - moulan
movie - film
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