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What's it saying, my precious, my love?
Is Smeagol losing his nerve?
No. Not.
Never. Smeagol hates nasty Hobbitses.
Smeagol wants to see them dead.
And we will.
Smeagol did it once. He can do it again.
It's ours! Ours!
We must get the precious. We must get it back.
Patience! Patience, my love.
First we must lead them to her.
We lead them to the Winding Stair.
Yes, the stairs. And then?
Up, up, up, up, up the stairs we go...
...until we come to the tunnel.
And when they go in...
...there's no coming out.
She's always hungry.
She always needs to feed.
She must eat.
All she gets is filthy Orcses.
And they doesn't taste very nice, does they, precious?
No. Not very nice at all, my love.
She hungers for sweeter meats.
Hobbit meat.
And when she throws away the bones and the empty clothes...
...then we will find it.
And take it for me!
For us.
We meant "for us."
Gollum. Gollum.
winding - carica
wants - vuole
tunnel - tunnel
taste - gusto
sweeter - più dolce
until - fino a
stairs - le scale
stair - scala
smeagol - smeagol
patience - pazienza
hates - odia
orcses - orcses
gollum - gollum
throws - getta
always - sempre
coming - venuta
hobbit - hobbit
never - mai
needs - esigenze
first - primo
saying - detto
clothes - abiti
hobbitses - hobbitses
precious - prezioso
hungry - affamato
hungers - fame
losing - perdere
filthy - sporco
meant - significava
meats - carni
nasty - cattiva
again - ancora
bones - ossatura
empty - vuoto
nerve - nervo
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