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Pronunciación en inglés de responsible

  • serio
  • de confianza
  • de autoridad

Ejemplos tomados de películas con Responsible

Two responsible people that can't have sex here?
Lost in America - Quit Your Job
You will see what accounts you're responsible for today.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
Anyway, I can see you're far more in need of responsible advice
An Education - Hard and Boring
But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible...
Animal House - Deltas on Trial
Hazel's unit was responsible for putting out over 100,000 car engines
Gung Ho - Japanese Board Meeting
What makes you so responsible all of a sudden?
Brothers - Give Me the Keys
In a way, he's responsible for the path I took.
Spectre - Ernst Stavro Blofeld
I am partially responsible for all of this...
De-Lovely - Spoiled Behavior
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
V for Vendetta - The Revolutionary Speech
I suppose I'm responsible, and for that I'm sorry.
The Bucket List - Find the Joy
I do the most responsible thing.
Norbit - Mr. Wong's Toast
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices,
Oldboy - Chucky
Why don't you just let us be responsible for replacing Giambi
Moneyball - It's An Unfair Game

Pronunciación de Responsible

Pronunciación americana

Responsible pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Responsible pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Responsible pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Responsible pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Responsible pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Responsible pronunciado por Brian (hombre)