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Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey - Bill and Ted Talk to God (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    OK. So, God, as if you didn't know...

    we're not the three wise people that you might have thought we were.

    No. We mugged three people and took their clothes. Sorry.

    - I'm Bill S. Preston. - I'm Ted "Theodore" Logan.

    Together, we are Wyld Stallyns!


    This lovely lady is the Grim Reaper.

    He brought us here when we challenged him and won.

    Now? OK.

    First of all, congratulations on Earth! It's a most excellent planet.

    - And Bill and I enjoy it on a daily basis. - Not to mention your other great planets.

    Mars, Jupiter, Uranus.

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