Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.


Pronuncia di lesson in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Lesson

The pig doesn't know his place, and now he needs to be taught a lesson.
The Purge - Please Just Let Us Purge
Right. Well, today we begin with the most important lesson you will ever learn...
Happy Feet - Mumble Has No Heartsong
This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm.
Inception - Shared Dreaming
I've learned my lesson, I really have.
The Little Hours - Serious Sins
we teach them a lesson and we put it online.
Us and Them - Danny's Plan
And Julius Rottwinkle ate two M&M's during her lesson. - And she caught him?
Matilda - Pigtail Hammer Throw
One day, I will personally teach you a lesson...
Open Season 2 - Vicious Wild Animals
Sometimes there's no lesson. That's a lesson in itself.
Anomalisa - Did I Do Something Wrong?
- Yeah, tell me about it. - Now, this... This here, is your first lesson in coffee.
Look Who's Talking - That's Breast Milk
Look, if you're trying to teach me a lesson, consider it taught!
Flushed Away - Ice Cold Rita

Pronuncia audio di Lesson

Pronuncia americana

Lesson pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Lesson pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Lesson pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Lesson pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Lesson pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Lesson pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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