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How to pronounce ticket in English


Examples from movies with Ticket

Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this.
Super Troopers - The Cat Game
Because I think that really could be the ticket for you. Oh, God!
Groundhog Day - Ned Ryerson!
- Must you rub it in? - Look, take this ticket.
Class - Jesus Is My Roommate
But I'll put up the pawn ticket that redeems it...
Lucky You - Pays to be Prudent
That diamond is my ticket out of this godforsaken continent.
Blood Diamond - God Left This Place
fresh off some fucking 'E-ticket' ride
The Cooler - A Cheap, Fat Whore
So I bought a one-way ticket to New York
A Simple Favor - Drinks and Death

Audio pronunciation of Ticket

American pronunciation

Ticket pronounced by Ivy (child, girl)
Ticket pronounced by Joanna (female)
Ticket pronounced by Kendra (female)
Ticket pronounced by Kimberly (female)
Ticket pronounced by Salli (female)
Ticket pronounced by Joey (male)
Ticket pronounced by Justin (child, boy)
Ticket pronounced by Matthew (male)

British pronunciation

Ticket pronounced by Amy (female)
Ticket pronounced by Emma (female)
Ticket pronounced by Brian (male)