He was so clean

Yeah, he was so clean.

Bathed himself in bleach until he was completely soaking.

His hands were sore

Oh yeah, they were so sore.

He scrubbed so hard he wiped the tiles off the floor.

His mop was fancy

Oh yeah, it was so fancy.

You should have seen the way he cleaned it all when he was dancing.

N-E-A-T-F-R-E-A-K 47 Baby

N-E-A-T-F-R-E-A-K 47

N-E-A-T-F-R-E-A-K 47 Baby

N-E-A-T-F-R-E-A-K 47

Perfectly clean, he was a well oiled machine.

wrench - ключ
increased - збільшився
himself - сам
hands - руки
barrel - ствол
packaged - упакований
gloves - рукавички
fingernails - нігті
unsure - невпевнений
wears - носить
exits - виходи
gears - прилади
until - до
dancing - танці
furniture - меблі
nature - природа
bathed - купався
floor - підлога
completely - повністю
always - завжди
clean - чистий
cleaned - прибирали
fancy - уява
about - про
burner - пальник
thrown - кинутий
machine - машина
outside - назовні
trimmed - обрізаний
wiped - стерти
member - член
bleach - відбілювач
never - ніколи
oiled - olajos
perfectly - чудово
sealed - запечатаний
plastic - пластик
careful - обережно
tiles - плитка
rubber - гума
quarantined - карантин
scrubbed - скраб
seals - пломби
should - повинен
skeptic - скептик
soaking - замочування
sterile - стерильний
there - там

Натисніть на будь-яке слово, щоб побачити переклад

Натисніть на цю іконку, що б перевести все речення