The mechanic raised up from under my hood

He shook his head and said, ''This ain't good

Your timin' belt's done, shrunk one size too small

Those spark plug wires are a little too long

And your main prodsponder's nearly gone

Your injector ports are stripped and that ain't all.''

''The torque converter's runnin' low on torque

And that water pump's nearly down a quart

But we caught it all in time so you're in luck''

He said, ''I've got the time and I've got the parts

Just give me the word and I'm ready to start

I think we can bring her in for eight hundred bucks.''

But don't be downhearted, I can fix it for you, sonny

It won't take too long, it'll just take money

Then he said, ''Ain't you that songwriter guy?''

I said, ''Yes, I am,'' he said, ''So am I.''

And he sat down and played me a song by the grease rack

When he finished singin' he gave me a smile

wires - дроти
whole - цілий
verse - вірш
under - під
those - ті
thing - річ
thesaurus - тезаурус
there - там
verbs - дієслова
straighten - випрямити
sorrowful - сумно
songwriter - автор пісень
spark - іскри
smile - усмішка
sonny - сини
shrunk - зменшився
shook - потряс
safety - безпека
really - дійсно
fifty - п'ятдесят
dangerously - небезпечно
eighth - восьмий
eight - вісім
beats - б'є
played - зіграв
chorus - хор
dotted - пунктирний
bucks - баксів
using - використовуючи
pondered - обмірковував
chord - аккорд
augmented - розширений
water - вода
downhearted - занепокоєний
grease - жир
cheap - дешево
worked - [object Object]
torque - крутний момент
mechanic - mechaniker
adverbs - прислівники
ready - готовий
chances - Шанси
dominant - домінуючий
stripped - позбавити
parts - частин
loose - вільні
finished - закінчив
awhile - деякий час
through - через
minute - хвилина
bring - принести
little - мало
quart - кварт
broken - зламаний
order - замовлення
caught - спійманий
friend - друг
fifth - п'ятий
hundred - сто
guessed - здогадувався
itself - сама по собі
money - гроші
small - маленький
nashville - нашвілл
think - думай
nearly - майже
closed - зачинено
injector - інжектор
notes - замітки
backed - підтриманий
ports - порти
start - почати
raised - піднятий
problem - проблема
raises - піднімається

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