He was born in a depressed nation

Started tough and worked his way right off the street

Thumbed his nose at a graduation

Wheeled and dealed, his education was complete

He's got all his hair, but his life is a wreck

Always been a brat, he don't get no respect

He's got the time, he's got the money

You better get out of his way

You better watch out for him, sonny

Back to school

He's gonna take that plunge

Gonna jump back in there

Back to school

wreck - крах
worked - [object Object]
tough - жорсткий
teacher - вчитель
thinks - думає
study - вивчення
street - вулиця
watch - дивитися
staring - глянувши
thumbed - великий
started - почався
spent - витрачений
sonny - сини
shape - форма
scoring - забити
school - школа
right - правильно
education - освіта
gonna - збираюся
wheeled - колісний
class - клас
respect - поважати
better - краще
nation - нація
always - завжди
dreaming - мріяти
about - про
complete - завершити
appreciation - вдячність
female - жінка
anatomy - анатомія
mysteries - таємниці
finer - чудовий
depressed - пригнічений
human - людина
graduation - градація
plunge - зануритися
literary - літературно
money - гроші
there - там
procreation - продовження роду

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