I tried it once before but I didn't get too far

I felt a lot of pain but it didn't stop my heart

And all I really wanted was someone to give a little fuck

But I waited there forever and nobody even looked up

I tried it once before and I think I might a messed up

I struggled with the veins and I guess I didn't bleed enough

But maybe I'm alive because I didn't really wanna die

But nothing very special ever happens in my life

Take the blade away from me

I am a freak, I am afraid that

All the blood escaping me won't end the pain

And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me

I died to be the white ghost

Of the man that I was meant to be

I tried it like before and this time I made a deep cut

I thought about my friends and the way I didn't give enough

write - писати
white - білий
wanted - хотів
wanna - хочу
tried - спробував
thought - думав
there - там
stopped - зупинився
dizzy - запаморочення
waited - чекав
guess - здогадатися
nothing - нічого
deeper - глибше
someone - хтось
friends - друзі
forever - назавжди
ghost - привид
regretting - шкода
happens - буває
enough - достатньо
special - особливий
think - думай
cutting - різання
blood - кров
alive - живий
little - мало
around - навколо
heart - серце
blade - лезо
cared - піклувався
about - про
black - чорний
because - оскільки
before - раніше
escaping - втекти
again - знову
overwhelming - переважна
might - може
afraid - боїться
bleed - кровоточити
nobody - ніхто
lives - живе
freak - фрік
letter - лист
looked - подивився
maybe - може бути
ready - готовий
messed - заплутаний
mother - мама
fucked - трахкав
pressure - тиск
struggled - боровся
meant - означало
really - дійсно
veins - вени
should - повинен
haunting - переслідування
stand - стояти

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