As a child I was known for make believin

All alone I created fantasies

As I grew people called it self deceivin

But my heart helped me hold the memory

As I walk through the world I find around me

Something new yet familiar's in the air

I feel it everywhere

Like a child's eyes on a Christmas night

I'm looking at you now finding answers to my prayers

It's a new day for those good old dreams

One by one it seems they're coming true

Here's the morning that my heart had seen

Here's the morning that just had to come through

Same old stage but what a change of scene

world - Світ
touch - торкнутися
forgotten - забутий
christmas - різдво
carries - носить
finding - знахідка
through - через
dreams - мрії
heart - серце
memory - пам'ять
darkness - темрява
created - створений
growing - зростає
dreamed - мріяв
alone - поодинці
something - щось
around - навколо
believin - Believin
along - разом
scene - сцени
answers - відповіді
coming - приходить
because - оскільки
slowly - повільно
child - дитина
again - знову
behind - позаду
called - називається
hopes - надії
things - речі
horizons - горизонти
people - люди
those - ті
everywhere - скрізь
known - відомий
looking - дивлячись
telling - кажучи
loving - люблячий
change - змінити
night - ніч
prayers - молитви
seasons - сезони
seems - здається
helped - допомагав
fantasies - фантазії
spark - іскри
taste - смак
there - там
morning - ранок
stage - етап

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