Staring at this old piano

Playing through the memories that it holds

Singing through the stories that it's told

And all the prayers that have been lifted

The leaps of faith, the giants slain

Desperate cries, and broken praise

Have all the songs been sung?

Is there still room for one?

Maybe one more hand in the air saying You are Holy

One more shattered heart singing You are good

Maybe one more voice crying out for mercy

One more hungry soul declaring You're enough

As long as there's breath in me

Lord, there will always be

One more song for You

One more song for You

What can I offer You but weakness?

All my life I tried to hide

world - Світ
voice - голос
truly - справді
tried - спробував
light - світло
holds - тримає
listen - слухай
heart - серце
praise - хвалити
lifted - піднятий
whole - цілий
weakness - слабкість
desperate - відчайдушний
stories - оповідання
declaring - декларуючи
reach - досягти
there - там
breath - дихання
better - краще
giants - гіганти
broken - зламаний
bursting - розрив
leaps - скачки
enough - достатньо
crying - плакати
choose - вибирай
would - б
least - найменше
amazed - вражений
always - завжди
brought - приніс
piano - фортепіано
songs - пісні
these - ці
cries - крики
majesty - величність
maybe - може бути
memories - спогади
mercy - милість
hungry - голодний
saying - кажучи
offer - пропозиція
through - через
playing - грає
prayers - молитви
faith - віра
prodigal - блудний
seams - шви
shattered - зруйнований
singing - співати
slain - забитий
staring - глянувши
still - досі

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