In America you'll get food to eat
Won't have to run through the jungle
And scuff up your feet
You'll just sing about Jesus and drink wine all day
It's great to be an American
Ain't no lions or tigers-ain't no mamba snake
Just the sweet watermelon and the buckwheat cake
Ev'rybody is as happy as a man can be
tigers - тигри
through - через
snake - змія
drink - пити
every - кожен
lions - леви
climb - підйом
charleston - чарльстон
great - чудово
cross - хрест
jesus - Ісус
about - про
america - Америка
watermelon - кавун
aboard - на борту
happy - щасливий
scuff - спустошення
american - американець
sweet - солодкий
buckwheat - гречка
family - сім'я
gonna - збираюся
jungle - джунглі
little - мало
mighty - могутній
ocean - океан
monkey - мавпа
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