Seven hundred head of cattle on an old forgotten trail

Six cowboys and one old man in another day of hell

Chuckwagon lagging behind from the strain of a broken wheel

The only thing to look forward to was a campfire and a meal

Asleep beneath an open sky with just the stars above their heads

A saddle for a pillow and some sagebrush for a bed

Waking up tomorrow was merely done by chance

Back when the west was wild and cowboys didn't dance

When cowboys didn't dance

Didn't wear designer shirts

When their hearts were filled with memories

Their bodies filled with hurt

They would sit around the campfire and exchange a piercing glance

wheel - колесо
waking - прокидаючись
through - через
their - їх
would - б
sweat - піт
strain - деформація
every - кожен
bodies - тіла
designer - дизайнер
saddle - сідло
tomorrow - завтра
chasing - погоніти
coffee - кава
stars - [object Object]
broken - зламаний
colorado - Колорадо
another - інший
slowly - повільно
cattle - худоба
texas - Техас
began - почався
trail - стежка
thing - річ
across - поперек
chance - шанс
brand - бренд
dance - танцювати
memories - спогади
campfire - костер
shirts - сорочки
cowboys - ковбої
above - вище
beneath - внизу
exchange - обмін
behind - позаду
asleep - сплять
filled - заповнений
final - фінал
forgotten - забутий
forward - вперед
glance - погляд
thirteen - тринадцять
merely - просто
idaho - idaho
heads - голови
destination - призначення
miles - милі
hearts - серця
horizon - горизонт
plains - рівнини
hundred - сто
lagging - відставання
really - дійсно
pillow - подушка
around - навколо
lonely - самотній
piercing - пірсинг
seven - семи

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