Alright, already the show goes on

Alright, till the morning we dream so long

Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up

Just remember when you come up

The show goes on!

Alright, already the show goes on

Alright, till the morning we dream so long

Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up

Just remember when you come up

The show goes on!

[Lupe Fiasco Verse 1]

Have you ever had the feeling that you was being had

Don’t that sh-t make you mad

They treat you like a slave, with chains all on your soul,

And put whips up on your back,

They be lying through they teeth

Hope you slip up off your path

I don’t switch up I just laugh

Put my kicks up on they desk

Unaffected by they threats than get busy on they ass

See that’s how that Chi-Town made me

That’s how my daddy raised me

That glittering may not be gold, don’t let no body play me

If you are my homeboy, you never have to pay me

Go on and put your hands up, when times are hard you stand up

L-U-P the man, cause a brand that the fans trust

So even if they ban us they’ll never slow my plans up!

Alright, already the show goes on

Alright, till the morning we dream so long

Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up

Just remember when you come up

The show goes on!

Alright, already the show goes on

Alright, till the morning we dream so long

would - б
window - вікно
whips - батогами
wanna - хочу
unaffected - не зазнав впливу
trust - довіра
treat - лікувати
threats - загрози
yours - твій
there - там
theirs - їх
three - три
those - ті
their - їх
verse - вірш
thats - тобто
teeth - зуби
teacher - вчитель
switch - перемикач
strip - смуга
stand - стояти
round - круглий
remember - згадаймо
start - почати
raised - піднятий
raise - підняти
picket - пікет
persevere - наполегливо
anybody - ніхто
world - Світ
outside - назовні
dream - мрія
everything - все
detroit - Детройт
plans - плани
ghetto - гетто
fiasco - фіаско
detour - об’їзд
chains - ланцюги
laugh - сміятися
destroy - знищити
times - разів
africa - Африка
ghettos - гетто
lyrics - тексти пісень
found - знайдено
tired - втомлений
fence - огорожа
alright - хорошо
father - батько
auckland - Окленд
grass - трава
living - живий
people - люди
brown - коричневий
never - ніколи
rapping - співати
barbed - колючий
being - буття
brand - бренд
cause - причина
trying - намагаюся
girls - дівчатка
glittering - блискучий
gonna - збираюся
scared - наляканий
green - зелений
terrified - переляканий
haiti - хайті
hands - руки
these - ці
homeboy - домашній хлопець
higher - вище
holdin - утримувати
kicks - удари
struggling - бореться
already - вже
lying - лежачий
wonder - чудо
slave - раб
daddy - тато
oakland - Окленд
feeling - почуття
leavin - левін
lights - вогні
through - через
little - мало
matter - матерія
morning - ранок

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