It was one of those times what a real good time felt like a long time ago

It was one of those fires that burned all night and made your blue jeans smell like smoke

Hanging with friends, going again start upbringing, smokin’ and drinkin’

It was one of those girls and one of those guys who didn’t know quite what to do

We were going along with what was going on saying I think I love you

And I think about us now every time I go out, smokin’ and drinkin’

Smokin’ and drinkin’ on the weekend like we did back in the day

Smokin’ and drinkin’ got cha thinkin about the one that got away

So here’s to all those nights all we felt was life smokin’ and drinkin’

We be lighting up saying this town sucks so we painted on the bridge

weekend - вихідні
upbringing - виховання
think - думай
start - почати
young - молодий
times - разів
enough - достатньо
drinkin - пити
burned - спалений
saying - кажучи
going - йдемо
again - знову
about - про
night - ніч
painted - пофарбований
sucks - смокче
quite - цілком
smoke - курити
cause - причина
along - разом
thinkin - thinkin
fires - пожежі
smell - запах
nights - ночі
every - кожен
those - ті
bridge - міст
friends - друзі
smokin - кумін
jeans - джинси
girls - дівчатка
hanging - висять
lighting - освітлення

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