I'm not on your radar? Then your radar is broke

Don't blame me for the way y'alls jokes

Fall flat, get your mouth slapped—ain't no hoax

I get an inkling, they picked me for the weak link

I'm gonna have to pose

A question for the ones that don't accept that I been exceptional

'Cause the moment I get involved, is the moment a song takes off

So how could you think I wouldn't last long in a game that

I was made to play? What do y'all take me for?

Rest assured

When I do come back to tour, it'll be Christmas mor-

ning in a way 'cause I'ma wake up with a present so big, they'll jump for joy

Yeah, let it be known

I'm better when I'm outta control

I can not be the butt of a joke

I'm cutting in the front of you posers talkin' like you really a pro

When you ain't even part of the convo

Nothin' but an amateur, I'll slow down when I want it colossal

Only way to put it if I chose

I could be bigger, maybe consider it a bit of it was helpin' you all

To comprehend, you condescend (You're gone)

Incompetent, the consequences (Are)

Hard to miss, it's common sense (I'm on)

One, so wrap your head around it (Or)

I might have to get up off the porch

Show you how it's done, I got the form

Power trippin' on me, get destroyed

Pull the plug, I'm rollin' up your cord

Fool me once—shame on you

Fool me twice—shame on you

Fool me three times, hold up, rewind

That's not even possible

Me, I keep it honorable

Who's your favorite? Let me know

Tally up, count the votes

Wasn't me? That's a joke

Yeah, ayy, that's a joke

That's a, that's a joke

Funny, yeah, that's a joke

That's a, that's a joke

Funny, woo, that's a joke

That's a, that's a joke

workload - робоча навантаження
whole - цілий
whatever - що б не було
would - б
wanna - хочу
tuned - налаштований
thrilled - в захваті
three - три
those - ті
tally - підрахувати
takes - бере
unskilled - некваліфікований
sword - меч
swallow - проковтнути
stutter - заїкання
twice - двічі
still - досі
spills - розлив
sometimes - іноді
someone - хтось
small - маленький
slapped - вдарив
sense - сенс
rewind - перемотати
remind - нагадаю
redder - червоний
really - дійсно
embarrassed - збентежений
doubt - сумнів
details - подробиці
continue - продовжуй
against - проти
unaware - не знаю
cutthroat - скрип
votes - голосів
convo - конво
stomach - шлунок
blame - винен
control - контроль
general - загальний
moment - момент
consequences - наслідки
connect - підключити
comprehend - осягнути
commas - коми
shame - соромно
calling - дзвінок
cordial - серцевий
assured - запевнив
different - інший
dummies - манекени
comes - приходить
animal - тварина
picked - підібраний
question - питання
think - думай
common - загальний
admit - визнати
again - знову
aside - в сторону
somebody - хтось
amateur - любитель
gonna - збираюся
thought - думав
great - чудово
bigger - більший
impossible - неможливо
bitter - гіркий
handle - обробляти
accept - приймати
bottom - дно
radar - радіолокація
destroyed - зруйнований
narrative - розповідь
built - побудований
chose - вибрав
colossal - колосальний
letters - листи
condescend - знизитися
possible - можливий
records - записи
every - кожен
everything - все
focused - зосереджені
maintain - підтримувати
shots - постріли
better - краще
exceptional - винятковий
christmas - різдво
favorite - улюблений
times - разів
inkling - інклінг
forget - забувай
jokes - жарти
around - навколо
front - фронт
lemme - лемм
everest - everest
prevail - переважати
gotta - gotta

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