It must have been hours that I spent walking through this town

And it never ends.

I was staring right into your eyes

When I lied and said that I’ll be back by sunrise

I know that I am not the strongest person, no

Oh god, give me the strength to finally let go

Yeah to finally let go

The days are fading

I can feel that it’s December

The snow is covering my heart

And the cold is crawling up my veins

This winter is something that I always will remember

Days will come and days will go

But my soul is trapped beneath the snow

I can feel the liquor burning, running down my throat

Maybe it will help to numb the pain, while writing down this note

I never said goodbye but I got nothing left this time

writing - писати
winter - зима
while - поки
moving - рухаючись
goodbye - до побачення
maybe - може бути
heart - серце
finally - нарешті
until - до
fading - затухання
burning - горіння
deserve - заслуговуй
walking - ходити
running - біг
another - інший
farewell - прощай
breathing - дихання
always - завжди
beneath - внизу
strength - сила
covering - покриття
could - міг
though - хоча
crawling - повзати
liquor - лікер
hours - годин
prove - довести
believing - віруючи
remember - згадаймо
myself - я сам
never - ніколи
after - після
strongest - найсильніший
nothing - нічого
proudly - гордо
chance - шанс
person - людина
sunrise - схід сонця
right - правильно
throat - горло
trapped - в пастці
december - грудень
something - щось
still - досі
staring - глянувши
spent - витрачений
there - там
through - через
veins - вени

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