
My little baby brother used to play down on the floor

But now he's not satisfied to do it anymore

He's got a funny habit and I don't know why

He walks around the ceiling, stepping on the flies

Baby brother, baby brother

Well he learnt to crawl

On the kitchen wall

Baby brother

Well just the other day, well-a bless-a my soul

I found him swimming round in the goldfish bowl

Since nobody told him that he hadn't oughta

He swam around for hours, with his head underwater

Baby brother, baby brother

Well you may swim all you wish

where - де
found - знайдено
other - інший
floor - підлога
round - круглий
anymore - більше
fence - огорожа
crazy - божевільний
around - навколо
instead - замість цього
crawl - повзати
floated - плавав
crying - плакати
habit - звичка
balloon - повітряна куля
outer - зовнішній
although - хоча
goldfish - золота рибка
bought - купив
little - мало
oughta - ойта
toward - до
ceiling - стеля
gonna - збираюся
flies - летить
brother - брат
climbed - піднявся
learnt - навчився
hours - годин
world - Світ
basket - кошик
bless - благослови
kitchen - кухня
nobody - ніхто
plain - рівнина
underwater - підводний
porch - ганок
funny - смішно
satisfied - задоволений
since - з
space - простір
started - почався
stepping - крокуючи
swimming - плавання
flapping - хлопати
still - досі
walks - прогулянки
think - думай

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