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Почати навчання
He released her again.
And he's taking her out to dinner.
Every paper in Paris has the story,
including the Christian Science Monitor.
And he gave them the story.
You see, he claims
she's protecting her lover,
and the best way to force him
into the open is to make him jealous.
That nincompoop. That megalomaniac.
He's setting the science of criminal
investigation back 1,000 years.
And I can't do anything about it.
-Why not?
-Why not?
What if he's right?
What if he is?
I'm finished, washed up.
Sanity and reason become
things of the past. Madness reigns.
-Just relax.
- Relax? With Clouseau loose in the world?
You go about offering
irresponsible suggestions like that, doctor
and you'd better find yourself
a good analyst.
-Just lie down.
-Just lie down.
-And relax.
-And relax.
Don't you think I want to relax?
Don't you think I'd give my right arm
for a good night's sleep?
I haven't closed my eyes in three days.
I've only eaten a chicken leg and
some clear broth since Wednesday.
I'm cracking up.
I'm coming apart at the seams.
Look at my eye.
I used to have a perfectly good eye.
I had two eyes, I mean.
Doctor, there is no hope.
There is no hope unless
I can get rid of Clouseau.
I must get rid of Clouseau.
years - років
world - Світ
wednesday - Середа
washed - промитий
three - три
think - думай
things - речі
there - там
taking - взяти
story - історія
eaten - їв
suggestions - пропозиції
cracking - розтріскування
reigns - панує
claims - [object Object]
yourself - самі
force - сила
clear - ясно
criminal - кримінальний
anything - нічого
every - кожен
coming - приходить
analyst - аналітик
finished - закінчив
about - про
become - стати
paris - Париж
dinner - вечеря
investigation - розслідування
christian - християнин
sleep - спати
closed - зачинено
relax - відпочити
better - краще
nincompoop - nincompoop
broth - бульйон
doctor - лікар
chicken - курка
protecting - захист
irresponsible - безвідповідальний
jealous - ревнивий
loose - вільні
setting - налаштування
lover - коханець
madness - божевілля
perfectly - чудово
seams - шви
unless - якщо не
again - знову
including - в тому числі
megalomaniac - мегаломаніяк
offering - пропозиція
monitor - монітор
paper - папір
reason - причина
released - випущений
right - правильно
since - з
sanity - розсудливість
apart - окремо
science - наука
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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