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Почати навчання
The deadly CO2 gas is
literally poisoning
the astronauts with every
breath in and out.
Heads up, people.
Look out now.
- What's this ?
- That's what they gotta make.
- I hope you got the procedures for me.
- Right here.
That's it ?
All right, Aquarius, this is Houston.
Do you have a flight plan up there?
Affirmative, Andy.
Jack's got one right here.
Okay, we have a... an unusual
procedure for you here.
Rip the cover off.
He wants you to rip the cover
off the flight plan.
With pleasure.
The other materials
you're gonna need here are...
Two lithium hydroxide canisters.
I'm sorry.
- A roll of gray tape.
- Duct tape.
Duct tape. You need an L.C.G. bag.
Two L.C.G. bags.
The red suit hoses
What about their level
of carbon dioxide ?
It's, uh, climbing.
You're saying that they're
almost out of breathable air ?
No. Wait a second.
Wait a sec. That's...
That's not what he said.
He said we're working on it.
You want to cut the duct tape
three feet long.
- Tell him to use his arm.
- Just use your arm.
Okay, Houston.
l see what you're getting at. Hold on.
Okay, Jack, tear that piece of tape
down the middle lengthwise.
- All right ?
- Hold on, Houston.
While the astronauts appear to have
enough oxygen to keep them alive,
one thing they have too much of
is carbon dioxide.
With each breath, the three men
expel more of the poisonous gas
into the lunar module cockpit,
and the scrubbers intended to
keep the atmosphere breathable...
are quickly becoming saturated.
Oh, shit. l tore it. Shit !
Houston, what do we do if we ripped
the bag ? Can we tape it ?
- They just tore the bag.
- Oh, no.
Stand by.
What should l tell 'em to do ?
They should have one more bag.
But they've still got
a long way to come and...
They are now working
on their backup facilities,
their emergency facilities.
The problem is, if anything more
goes wrong, they're in real trouble.
wrong - неправильно
working - працює
wants - хоче
unusual - незвичайний
thing - річ
there - там
while - поки
three - три
their - їх
still - досі
should - повинен
scrubbers - скруббери
saying - кажучи
ripped - розірваний
quickly - швидко
procedure - [object Object]
problem - проблема
pleasure - задоволення
enough - достатньо
dioxide - діоксид
emergency - надзвичайна ситуація
houston - houston
poisoning - отруєння
level - рівень
people - люди
cover - обкладинка
carbon - вуглець
aquarius - акваріум
expel - вигнати
becoming - стає
anything - нічого
cockpit - кабіна
alive - живий
module - модуль
deadly - смертельно
trouble - біда
affirmative - позитивний
astronauts - астронавти
backup - резервна копія
climbing - підніматися
breathable - дихає
stand - стояти
breath - дихання
poisonous - отруйний
almost - майже
lengthwise - по довжині
atmosphere - атмосфера
every - кожен
saturated - насичений
oxygen - кисень
right - правильно
facilities - об'єкти
flight - політ
literally - буквально
second - другий
procedures - процедури
getting - отримувати
gonna - збираюся
heads - голови
gotta - gotta
sorry - вибачте
lithium - літій
about - про
appear - з'являтися
other - інший
intended - призначений
hoses - шланги
hydroxide - гідроксид
materials - матеріали
middle - середній
lunar - місячний
canisters - каністри
piece - шматок
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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