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Grappling with the enemy
up close like that.
Your friend's death.
You were right there with him.
Can't be easy talking to a roomful
of strangers about those things.
It is sort of weird being honored
for the worst day of your life.
It's like...
Never mind.
So, what's it like being a cheerleader?
You really want to know?
Yeah. I really do. Really.
Well, it's great.
I mean, people see us on TV,
and they think that's all there is to it.
You know, dancing and having fun,
but community service
is actually the main part of our job.
Visiting hospitals,
working with underprivileged kids,
stuff like that, you know?
To me, that's been the most
satisfying thing about being a cheerleader,
serving others. The spiritual aspect of it.
Billy, are you a Christian?
I'm searching.
Do you pray?
Not as much as I should.
I never got much
from going to church,
but then in Iraq,
in the middle of all this shooting,
my friend Shroom, Sergeant
Breem, gets hit.
He's just, you know, lying
there, bleeding out.
And when I go to him, suddenly,
for the first time in my life,
I feel close to something...
I don't know, bigger than myself.
And when Shroom died,
I felt something passing through me,
Like his soul or...
I don't know.
Most of the time, that's how it works.
Life gets so dark, and we think
all the light's gone out of us,
but it's always there.
If we just open the door a crack,
the light comes pouring in.
You know how we kept looking at each...
I think God wanted us to meet today.
We are all called to be his lights
out in the world.
And I truly believe that we...
Look, if you couldn't deliver,
why'd you tell the guys that number?
Now they think they're coming home
to Jacuzzis and shit.
I told them a lot of things
have to happen.
- Jesus, what happened to you?
- Nothing.
Why do you look like
you just got laid?
world - Світ
weird - дивний
truly - справді
those - ті
think - думай
there - там
suddenly - раптом
strangers - незнайомці
spiritual - духовний
something - щось
shroom - шикарний
should - повинен
shooting - стрілянина
sergeant - сержант
works - працює
service - сервіс
searching - пошук
satisfying - задовольняє
really - дійсно
pouring - наливання
underprivileged - малозабезпечені
things - речі
people - люди
death - смерть
dancing - танці
roomful - приміщення
community - спільнота
myself - я сам
coming - приходить
jacuzzis - джакузі
called - називається
christian - християнин
cheerleader - вболівальник
always - завжди
comes - приходить
working - працює
close - закрити
aspect - аспект
talking - говорити
about - про
crack - тріщина
believe - вірте
middle - середній
enemy - ворог
serving - порція
actually - насправді
happen - статися
lying - лежачий
passing - проходження
bigger - більший
grappling - бореться
billy - Біллі
deliver - доставити
friend - друг
breem - лягти
today - сьогодні
bleeding - кровотеча
first - перший
having - маючи
wanted - хотів
going - йдемо
happened - сталося
right - правильно
lights - вогні
church - церква
honored - честь
visiting - відвідування
hospitals - лікарні
worst - найгірший
jesus - Ісус
number - номер
great - чудово
light - світло
stuff - речі
looking - дивлячись
never - ніколи
thing - річ
being - буття
nothing - нічого
through - через
others - інші
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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