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Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Почати навчання
What seems to be the problem?
I fell down the stairs.
Whoopsie. Anything broken?
I don't think so. I mean,
it would hurt, wouldn't it?
I should think so, yeah.
Maybe my wrist, I don't know,
but my neck feels sort of sore.
- Let's have a little look at you. Which wrist is it?
- Right.
- Does it hurt when I do this?
- No.
- How about this?
- Nope.
- Okay, this?
- No.
- This doesn't hurt?
- No.
Are you telling me
it doesn't hurt when I do this?
It doesn't hurt. I told you that.
Okay, what's this, what's this you're talking
about with your neck?
Well, it hurts when I kinda turn it, you know?
Maybe you just...
Okay, right. I see. Gotcha.
Shock! What about shock?
Maybe we should...
- It could be shock.
- ...check her for shock.
Could be shock.
What? What is it? What's the matter?
It's... Well, it's interesting.
It's... okeydokey.
- I wonder if I might have a little sip of that?- Yes, of course.
Well, I'll tell you what, kids.
We've this... odd thing.
Your wrist, as far as I can tell,
it's fractured in three places.
And you've shattered two vertebrae.
Of course, I can't really be certain
without an x-ray,
but the bone protrusion through
the skin, that's not a good sign.
And your body temperature is below 80,
your heart's stopped beating.
What the hell does that mean?
Exactly! Exactly what...
I think... I'm gonna get a second opinion.
What? Doctor?
Well, could be worse.
- I'm gonna examine you myself.
- No.
- Sit still.
- Don't touch me!
- My God, he's right.- He is not right. Don't be ridiculous.
Mean if he were right?
You're in violation of every
natural law that I know.
I violated what law?
In violation of every natural law that I know!
You're sitting there, you're talking to me,
but you're dead!
I'm gonna get help!
whoopsie - хтопсі
violated - порушено
vertebrae - хребці
three - три
without - без
which - котрий
think - думай
thing - річ
could - міг
interesting - цікаво
right - правильно
wrist - зап'ястя
hurts - болить
gotcha - готча
examine - розглянути
anything - нічого
fractured - тріщина
through - через
little - мало
check - перевірити
touch - торкнутися
sitting - сидячи
temperature - температура
violation - порушення
feels - відчуваєш
worse - гірше
below - нижче
doctor - лікар
gonna - збираюся
would - б
exactly - точно
shattered - зруйнований
kinda - доброго
myself - я сам
every - кожен
matter - матерія
beating - бити
should - повинен
certain - певний
course - звичайно
seems - здається
broken - зламаний
about - про
talking - говорити
might - може
still - досі
maybe - може бути
natural - природний
okeydokey - Окі докі
opinion - думка
problem - проблема
there - там
places - місць
protrusion - виступ
stairs - сходи
ridiculous - смішно
really - дійсно
wonder - чудо
second - другий
shock - шок
stopped - зупинився
telling - кажучи
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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