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Почати навчання
Woman, come here.
Look here, Bono.
When I first met this woman,
I got out that place.
Hitch up my pony
Saddle up my mare
There's a woman out there
for me somewhere
I looked at here, looked at there,
saw Rose, and I latched on to...
I latched on to
her and I told...
Now, I'm gonna
tell you truth.
I latched on to her and told her:
Baby, I don't want to marry.
I just want to be your man.
Rose told me...
Tell him what you told me, Ro.
I told him if he wasn't
the marrying kind,
then move out of the way,
so the marrying kind could find...
Me! That's what she told me:
You are in my way.
You're blocking the view.
Move out the way,
so I can find me a husband.
- I thought it over 2-3 days.
- Oh, no. Two-three days, nothing.
You was back the same night.
I come back, told her,
"Okay, baby,
but I'm gonna buy
me a banty rooster
and put him out there
in the backyard.
And when he sees
a stranger come,
he gonna flap his
wings and crow.
Look here, Bono. I didn't watch
that front door by myself.
It was that back door
I was worried about.
Chew you on
not talk like that!
worried - стурбований
watch - дивитися
truth - правда
thought - думав
there - там
husband - чоловік
front - фронт
marrying - одружусь
about - про
first - перший
night - ніч
place - місце
gonna - збираюся
woman - жінка
nothing - нічого
three - три
backyard - задній двір
marry - одружитися
could - міг
banty - бантій
hitch - гачка
blocking - блокування
latched - замкнений
looked - подивився
wings - крила
myself - я сам
rooster - півень
saddle - сідло
somewhere - десь
stranger - незнайомець
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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