Вивчайте Справжню Англійську з фільмів та книг
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Почати навчання
Here you go.
Wow, this is beautiful.
You picked a very delicate dish.
The sauce there is extremely,
it's delicate. Hope you like it.
Well, let's see.
How do you like it?
It's incredible.
You made this?
Yes, I made it. I told you I made it.
Of course I did.
Where does coq Au vin come from?
Coq Au vin is of Turkish descent.
It's from...
No. It's French.
No, the name, the name is French.
But, no, where do you think
they get their poultry?
They get it all out of Turkey.
Hence the name, Turkey. It's all fowl...
No, it's all... It's a bird country.
- It's honestly...
- Okay.
Whatever restaurant you ordered this from,
it's amazing, so make sure
you thank the chef.
And you just did.
The chef, me.
To the chef.
- To the chef.
- To me.
Whoever it is.
It's me. I did it.
So, I saw one of your
fights on the Internet.
Checking me out.
All right. I see where
you're going with this.
- How'd I do?
- I don't understand.
When you are asking me out,
you are as stubborn as a badger.
And then with this guy?
He grabbed your hand and you're like,
"I give up, I give up" in two seconds.
Okay. First of all,
it's "stubborn as a mule", it's a mule.
Second of all, he had
me in an arm bar
Okay? Do you want to
know what an arm bar is?
If I didn't tap out,
he's gonna break my arm,
so that's what you do.
That's what you do
when you give up.
You know, do me a favor, stand up.
Please, stand up.
Okay? I'm gonna put you in an arm bar.
Here, this is a Kimura, right here.
See? Feel this?
Now what would you do
if I got you here?
What would you...
What are you doing? Take it easy.
My father told me to strike first
and to strike fast
and to always be the aggressor!
Of course I'm hitting you
with a closed fist! This is a fight!
No, it's not.
It's, like, the weirdest date ever.
You know what?
You're sort of right. Yeah,
yeah, you are right.
'Cause I... I don't know
what I was thinking.
Okay. This is definitely
the weirdest date ever.
Good night, Scott.
Yep, okay.
Well, this was a nice dinner.
Sorry about the lamp.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I wouldn't worry about it at all.
You can just leave that there.
You're good. All right.
By the way, a little
cologne goes a long way.
Yeah, no, I know.
I felt it. My eyes were burning.
I hear you.
would - б
whoever - хто б не був
turkey - індичка
thinking - мислення
think - думай
there - там
whatever - що б не було
their - їх
stubborn - впертий
second - другий
favor - користь
worry - турбуватися
strike - страйкувати
extremely - надзвичайно
break - перерва
internet - Інтернет
turkish - турецька мова
doing - робити
course - звичайно
asking - запитую
descent - спуск
little - мало
delicate - делікатний
definitely - безумовно
kimura - кімура
seconds - секунд
please - будь ласка
always - завжди
checking - перевірка
weirdest - дивний
night - ніч
scott - [object Object]
aggressor - агресор
about - про
where - де
country - країна
beautiful - гарний
badger - борсук
right - правильно
cologne - одеколон
father - батько
understand - зрозуміти
stand - стояти
fight - бій
fights - бійки
first - перший
french - французька
going - йдемо
grabbed - схопив
closed - зачинено
gonna - збираюся
hitting - удар
burning - горіння
hence - отже
honestly - чесно
poultry - птиця
incredible - неймовірний
leave - залишати
thank - спасибі
ordered - замовлено
dinner - вечеря
picked - підібраний
sorry - вибачте
restaurant - ресторан
amazing - дивовижний
sauce - соус
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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