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Почати навчання
I'm stealing her away, Carraway.
- Ladies and gentlemen...
- Come on.
...a jazz history of the world
and accompanying fireworks!
- Come on. Nick.
- Look around you.
Rich girls don't marry poor boys.
She's mine.
Your face is familiar. Weren't you in
the Third Division during the war?
- Oh, yes, the 9th Battalion.
- I was in the 7th. - Excuse me.
I knew you looked familiar.
Having a good time, old sport?
The whole thing's incredible.
I live just next door.
He sent me an actual invitation.
Seems I'm the only one.
I still haven't met Mr. Gatsby.
No one's met him.
They say he's third cousin to the Kaiser
and second cousin to the devil.
I'm afraid I haven't been a
very good host, old sport.
You see...
...I'm Gatsby.
His smile was one of those rare smiles
that you may come across...
...four or five times in life.
It seemed to understand you...
and believe in you just as you
would like to be understood...
...and believed in.
Sorry, old sport. I thought you knew.
Please just... I don't know what to say.
- Please forgive me. I've had...
- It's quite all right.
- ...so much to drink.
- Yes?
Mr. Gatsby, sir.
Chicago on the wire.
I'll be in just a minute.
I'm taking my new hydroplane out
in the morning.
Would you like to go with me?
What time?
The time that suits you.
Well, that's very kind of you.
Lovely to see you again, Miss Baker.
If there's anything that you want...
...just ask for it, old sport.
Excuse me.
I will rejoin you later.
I expected him to be...
- Old and fat? - Yes.
Young men don't just drift coolly out of
nowhere and buy a palace on Long Island.
He told me once
he was an Oxford man.
However, I don't believe it.
Why not?
I don't know.
I just don't believe he went there.
would - б
understood - зрозуміла
understand - зрозуміти
times - разів
those - ті
there - там
taking - взяти
suits - костюми
still - досі
stealing - крадіжка
smile - усмішка
seemed - здавалося
second - другий
rejoin - приєднатися
devil - диявол
right - правильно
carraway - каре
whole - цілий
chicago - Чикаго
coolly - холодно
please - будь ласка
palace - палац
young - молодий
cousin - двоюрідний брат
afraid - боїться
forgive - пробачай
oxford - Оксфорд
sorry - вибачте
seems - здається
later - пізніше
quite - цілком
however - однак
division - поділ
actual - фактичний
again - знову
during - під час
gatsby - Гетсбі
around - навколо
excuse - вибачте
across - поперек
lovely - милий
believed - вірив
anything - нічого
history - історія
kaiser - кайзер
smiles - посміхається
morning - ранок
world - Світ
drink - пити
having - маючи
battalion - haz clic en "más" para añadir una palabra / frase para aprender
believe - вірте
fireworks - феєрверк
sport - спорт
drift - дрейф
gentlemen - джентльмени
baker - пекар
girls - дівчатка
third - третій
hydroplane - гідроплан
accompanying - супроводжуючий
minute - хвилина
incredible - неймовірний
familiar - знайомий
nowhere - ніде
island - острів
thought - думав
expected - очікуваний
ladies - жінки
invitation - запрошення
looked - подивився
marry - одружитися
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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