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Почати навчання
Don't you think
that's strange?
The wolves?
They don't do that.
They don't track people.
Maybe they don't
think you're human.
So, how many of us are there?
You ask too many questions.
Maybe you don't know, either.
So, what are you
doing up here anyway?
How do you know that
I'm not evaluating you?
I don't know. Are you?
Maybe I don't care.
Do you ever not care?
Maybe you're evaluating me.
I went off the grid for four days,
that's why I'm here.
I skipped my check-in.
Now I'm on this
bullshit scavenger hunt.
Well, they have their reasons.
I thought I was having my wrist slapped,
but now I'm not so sure.
I'm still trying to
figure out
if you're supposed to kill me
or give me a pep talk.
Seriously, man,
you think too much.
Aren't we wired to stick our nose in,
you and I?
There's not another person
for 300 miles.
I know nobody's listening.
So come on, you've got to give me something.
Talk to me, come on!
Why did they pull you off the field
and put you up here?
It's not physical, with the way you've been moving,
so what did you do?
Turn down an assignment?
Start thinking for yourself?
Fall in love?
You fell in love.
It's better for wolves.
There's an ammo box by the door, you take
as much as you need.
We're done talking.
You ate, you're pulling out early.
You should hit it.
- Some other time, then.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
wrist - зап'ястя
moving - рухаючись
human - людина
miles - милі
physical - фізичний
early - рано
having - маючи
figure - фігура
strange - дивно
field - поле
yourself - самі
assignment - присвоєння
people - люди
check - перевірити
there - там
their - їх
doing - робити
bullshit - нісенітниця
either - або
trying - намагаюся
another - інший
person - людина
scavenger - збиральник
thinking - мислення
better - краще
thanks - дякую
anyway - все одно
listening - слухати
should - повинен
supposed - передбачалося
evaluating - оцінюючи
pulling - тягнучи
questions - питання
seriously - серйозно
wolves - вовки
slapped - вдарив
start - почати
something - щось
skipped - пропустив
think - думай
maybe - може бути
stick - палиця
reasons - причин
still - досі
other - інший
talking - говорити
thought - думав
track - трек
wired - провідний
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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