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Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Почати навчання
You missed a spot.
Isn't doing the dishes what the maid
is supposed to be for?
She doesn't know how to dry
without leaving spots.
And you don't know how to dry
without destroying the environment.
For every single roll
of paper towels that you waste,
a tree in the rain forest dies.
If I'm gonna die of botulism
from the germs on that gunky
towel, you tree-loving hippie.
At least I don't prefer tofu
to normal hamburgers.
And I'm not the one who's gonna get
mad cow disease and go nuts,
though you don't seem to have
a brain to fry in the first place.
Give me that plate.
Oops. No, sorry.
You might infect it.
Why don't you use a plastic
baggie and dig up some penicillin?
- No!
- Come on.
- Give me the plate!
- You want it?
How bad do you want it?
Get a broom.
You get a frickin' broom.
When you work for me,
you leave when I say you can leave.
For your information,
I do not work for you.
I am employed by your mother.
Oh yeah?
Take a look around.
Do you see her anywhere?
News flash... you're not gonna
unless you make an appointment
with her assistant
or hang around her bedroom door
at 3:00 in the morning.
In the meantime,
you're workin' for me.
Oh, is that so?
News flash, Mussolini...
I quit!
- Are you all right, Miss Gunn?
- Just great.
without - без
waste - відходи
unless - якщо не
towels - рушники
spots - плями
sorry - вибачте
forest - ліс
doing - робити
towel - рушник
employed - зайнятий
germs - паростки
gonna - збираюся
meantime - тим часом
flash - спалах
information - інформація
great - чудово
prefer - вважають за краще
every - кожен
assistant - асистент
dishes - посуд
broom - мітла
first - перший
though - хоча
disease - хвороба
around - навколо
environment - навколишнє середовище
brain - мозок
appointment - призначення
botulism - ботулізм
baggie - баггі
anywhere - де завгодно
place - місце
single - сингл
destroying - руйнуючи
infect - заразити
gunky - гучний
bedroom - спальня
normal - нормальний
hamburgers - гамбургери
hippie - хіппі
least - найменше
leaving - залишаючи
loving - люблячий
might - може
right - правильно
morning - ранок
supposed - передбачалося
mussolini - Муссоліні
plastic - пластик
missed - пропустив
mother - мама
paper - папір
leave - залишати
penicillin - пеніцилін
plate - тарілка
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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