Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.

Añade palabras o expresiones para aprender y practica con otros usuarios.


Active and Passive ejercicios

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  • Phrase 1/15

    Credit cards are acceptedare acceptaccept in many shops in this country

  • Phrase 2/15

    The house paintsare being paintedis being repainted at the moment

  • Phrase 3/15

    The staff was toldtellswas tolden about the meeting many times

  • Phrase 4/15

    She hasn’t been toldhas been toldhas told about the problem yet

  • Phrase 5/15

    I cant go shopping, I haven’t been paidhave paidhave been paid!

  • Phrase 6/15

    The children will be givenwill givewere given gifts by Santa tomorrow

  • Phrase 7/15

    The man was killedkilledwas kill in the street by gangsters

  • Phrase 8/15

    This old house designedwas disignwas designed by a famous German architect

  • Phrase 9/15

    So many things is madeare mademake in China

  • Phrase 10/15

    My team are beatenwas beatenwas beated 3-0 at the weekend

  • Phrase 11/15

    AreIs those toys makemade by hand?

  • Phrase 12/15

    Her computer are being fixedis being fixedis fixes today

  • Phrase 13/15

    It (say) that the helicopter was invented by Leonard Da Vinci

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  • Phrase 14/15

    The small shop near my house (buy) by a multinational company

    or click ENTER
  • Phrase 15/15

    A grill (use) to cook this dish

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