Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.
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Credit cards are acceptedare acceptaccept in many shops in this country
The house paintsare being paintedis being repainted at the moment
The staff was toldtellswas tolden about the meeting many times
She hasn’t been toldhas been toldhas told about the problem yet
I can’t go shopping, I haven’t been paidhave paidhave been paid!
The children will be givenwill givewere given gifts by Santa tomorrow
The man was killedkilledwas kill in the street by gangsters
This old house designedwas disignwas designed by a famous German architect
So many things is madeare mademake in China
My team are beatenwas beatenwas beated 3-0 at the weekend
AreIs those toys makemade by hand?
Her computer are being fixedis being fixedis fixes today
It (say) that the helicopter was invented by Leonard Da Vinci
The small shop near my house (buy) by a multinational company
A grill (use) to cook this dish
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