The summer air was soft and warm
The feeling right the paris night
Did it's best to please us
And strolling down the elysee
We had a drink in each cafe
And you
You talked of politics philosophy and I smiled like mona lisa
We had our chance
It was a fine and true romance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the seine laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass
By the eiffel tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh yes
Those crazy years that was the time
Of the flower power
walking - para caminar
underneath - debajo
tower - torre
tourist - turista
talked - habló
summer - verano
laugh - risa
getting - consiguiendo
those - aquellos
croissants - croissants
flower - flor
politics - política
happy - contento
recall - recordar
round - redondo
eiffel - eiffel
chance - oportunidad
living - vivo
flying - volador
working - trabajando
could - podría
restaurants - [object Object]
crazy - loca
philosophy - filosofía
grass - césped
laughing - riendo
feeling - sensación
right - derecho
football - [object Object]
dance - baile
walks - camina
along - a lo largo
memories - recuerdos
morning - mañana
dancing - bailando
worries - preocupaciones
harry - acosar
family - familia
dreams - sueños
remain - permanecer
night - noche
years - años
notre - nuestro
paris - París
please - por favor
power - poder
slowly - despacio
drink - beber
regret - lamentar
smiled - sonrió
river - río
romance - romance
seems - parece
strolling - vagante
dying - moribundo
seine - jábega
still - todavía
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