I know there's a reason you're forcing a smile

You hide what you're feeling and you have for a while

I can tell that you're falling

And you feel that you can't go on

But a new day is calling

And you'll see that the feeling is gone

You know you're not the only one

while - mientras
ignore - ignorar
falling - que cae
waiting - esperando
change - cambio
someone - alguien
feeling - sensación
reason - razón
hurting - herir
there - ahí
afraid - asustado
crying - llorando
calling - vocación
listen - escucha
never - nunca
overcome - superar
should - debería
sometimes - a veces
smile - sonreír
unkind - cruel
something - alguna cosa
waste - residuos
forcing - forzando
before - antes de
strong - fuerte

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