Under the sea, there‘s a colony of bees
And a man called Fred who will shoot you dead
If you try to steal from his apiary sealed
With magic spells at the gate to hell
He‘ll kill you in your sleep
If you so much as take a single peek
Set sail across the waves
Where we will stop no man can say
The alcohol stores are running low
So into the deep blue yonder go
Set sail across the waves
Where we will stop no man can say
We‘ll end our quest by following the smell
yonder - allá
where - dónde
waves - olas
under - debajo
there - ahí
steal - robar
smell - oler
sleep - dormir
stores - víveres
shoot - disparar
sealed - sellado
single - soltero
brews - cervezas
following - siguiendo
spells - conjuros
search - buscar
booze - bebida alcohólica
blind - ciego
called - llamado
makes - hace
weeds - malas hierbas
alcoholic - alcohólico
proof - prueba
alcohol - alcohol
colony - colonia
magic - magia
across - a través de
through - mediante
probably - probablemente
found - encontró
assuming - asumiendo
infernal - infernal
leads - conduce
psychotropic - psicotrópico
endless - interminable
quest - búsqueda
grasp - agarrar
running - corriendo
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