The slant

A building settling around me

My figure female framed crookedly

In the threshold of the room

Door scraping floorboards

With every opening

Carving a rough history of bedroom scenes

The plot hard to follow

The text obscured in the fields of sheets

Slowly gathering the stains of seasons spent lying there

Red and brown

Like leaves fallen

The colors of an eternal cycle

Fading with the

world - mundo
woman - Mujer
weapon - arma
wanted - querido
unfolding - despliegue
there - ahí
their - su
strong - fuerte
strengths - fortalezas
still - todavía
steel - acero
stalking - acecho
unfamiliar - desconocido
spent - gastado
something - alguna cosa
slowly - despacio
scenes - escenas
rough - áspero
maybe - tal vez
rinse - enjuague
female - hembra
threshold - límite
smell - oler
fallen - caído
again - de nuevo
fading - desvanecimiento
eternal - eterno
hungry - hambriento
dressed - vestido
cycle - ciclo
seasons - estaciones
colors - colores
dependent - dependiente
rhythms - ritmos
fabric - tela
around - alrededor
talking - hablando
sound - sonar
about - acerca de
stains - manchas
every - jeder
because - porque
attraction - atracción
bedroom - cuarto
never - nunca
broken - roto
follow - seguir
brown - marrón
intricate - intrincado
sheets - sábanas
building - edificio
opening - apertura
carving - tallado
framed - enmarcado
figure - figura
meets - cumple
patterns - patrones
slant - inclinación
clean - limpiar
floorboards - entarimados
settling - asentamiento
gathering - reunión
fields - campos
hammer - martillo
history - historia
journey - viaje
leaves - hojas
wondering - preguntando
lying - acostado
misspelled - mal escrito
scraping - raspado
obscured - oscurecido
offering - ofrecimiento
pounding - golpeteo
progress - progreso
questions - preguntas

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