Head under water

So easy to get lost

No need to bother

Expect the worst

Keep my head under water

Till I'm unconscious

Let's count the seconds together

Till my heart is at rest

I am on the way to the dead

One, two, three, four

A rush of blood to the head

Five, six, seven, eight... stop

You think it's just a second in a world of time

But how much is it when it comes to dying

One second can decide about now or never

Will you stay or go?

Nothing lasts forever

worst - peor
wheel - rueda
underwater - submarino
heaviest - أثقل
driving - conducción
lights - luces
expect - esperar
should - debería
heart - corazón
eight - ocho
forever - siempre
dying - moribundo
times - veces
decide - decidir
black - negro
about - acerca de
together - juntos
every - jeder
because - porque
avenue - avenida
blood - sangre
cross - cruzar
cause - porque
comes - proviene
water - agua
night - noche
under - debajo
traffic - tráfico
world - mundo
lasts - tiene una duración
unconscious - inconsciente
bother - molestia
light - ligero
seven - siete
which - cual
think - pensar
never - nunca
these - estas
nothing - nada
second - segundo
count - contar
seconds - segundos
choice - elección
doing - obra
keeps - mantiene
shine - brillar
straight - derecho
staying - quedarse
there - ahí
three - tres
diving - buceo
through - mediante
tight - apretado

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