Fiendish wonder in the carnival's wake
Dull caresses once again irritate
Tread softly stranger
Move over toward the danger that you seek
You think excitement has receded then the mirror distracts
The logic of the trance quickly reaches and grasps
Handsome and faceless and weightless your imagination runs
And now it's no ones fault but yours, at the foot of the house of cards
You thought you'd never get obsessed
You thought the wolves would be impressed
And you're a sinking stone
yours - tuya
would - haría
wonder - preguntarse
wolves - lobos
weightless - ingrávido
voice - voz
until - hasta
thrilling - emocionante
thought - pensamiento
those - aquellos
without - sin
think - pensar
things - cosas
teach - enseñar
stranger - desconocido
stone - piedra
softly - suavemente
through - mediante
sinking - hundimiento
quickly - con rapidez
procession - procesión
police - policía
pioneers - pioneros
piece - pieza
grasps - kavrıyor
tread - huella
fault - culpa
after - después
return - regreso
obsessed - obsesionado
drowned - ahogue
distracts - distrae
fiendish - diabólico
receded - retrocedido
danger - peligro
corner - esquina
ready - listo
gather - reunir
blowers - sopladores
please - por favor
lesson - lección
excitement - emoción
cards - tarjetas
learn - aprender
falling - que cae
ferry - transportar
again - de nuevo
calibrate - calibrar
shortly - dentro de poco
knows - sabe
deviate - desviarse
moonlight - luz de la luna
faceless - sin rostro
around - alrededor
toward - hacia
logic - lógica
became - convirtió
caresses - caricias
grinning - sonreír
showed - mostró
hands - manos
handsome - hermoso
assassin - asesino
house - casa
trance - trance
reaches - alcanza
imagination - imaginación
sound - sonar
punishing - agotador
other - otro
engraved - grabado
mirror - espejo
irritate - irritar
jewellers - joyería
impressed - impresionado
listening - escuchando
watching - acecho
afraid - asustado
leads - conduce
never - nunca
bubble - burbuja
makes - hace
night - noche
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