The door swings open but you won't go it

You hate the movie that you haven't seen

You couldn't see what I have in mind

I see you laughing but you're

Cutting it, cutting it fine

You never should have done those things to me

There's one thread left 'tween you and history

And while our temperature is rising high

yourself - tú mismo
laughing - riendo
thread - hilo
ignored - ignorado
cutting - corte
important - importante
temperature - temperatura
while - mientras
history - historia
signs - señales
dancing - bailando
advisor - tutor
swings - oscilaciones
anyone - nadie
complain - quejar
listen - escucha
gambled - apostado
movie - película
never - nunca
rising - creciente
should - debería
watch - reloj
things - cosas
those - aquellos
warning - advertencia

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