Silver, drifting on high
Deep range star lords
Rebel land of black night
Float by your stars.
Mistress of fear see me towards always
Nova bright shine far beyond all time.
Beings of the fourth kind
worlds - mundos
wanderers - vagabundos
space - espacio
towards - hacia
silver - plata
bright - brillante
timeless - eterno
lords - señores
corridors - corredores
sands - playa
beyond - más allá
black - negro
drifting - deriva
beings - los seres
shine - brillar
hyper - hiper
beams - vigas
barriers - barreras
float - flotador
fourth - cuarto
inside - dentro
laser - láser
always - siempre
night - noche
stars - estrellas
range - distancia
mistress - amante
moving - emocionante
secret - secreto
through - mediante
rebel - rebelde
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