I got a job making money for the man

Throwing chicken in the bucket with the soda pop can

Puke green uniform on my back

I had to set it on fire in a vat of chicken fat

I leaped on the counter like a bird with no hair

Running through the mini mall in my underwear

I got lost downtown couldn't find a ride home

Sun went down I got frozen to the bone

'til a hooker let me share her fake fur coat

As I took a little nap the cops picked up us both

I tried to explain I was only trying to get warm

I knew I never ever should have burnt my uniform

He said 'too bad, better bite the bullet hard son'

I didn't have no teeth so I stole his gun

And I crawled out the window with my shadow on a spoon

Dancing on the roof, shooting holes in the moon

Get busy, get busy, you know it

I ain't gonna work for no soul suckin jerk

I'm gonna take it all back and I ain't sayin jack

I ain't gonna work for no soul suckin jerk

wrapped - envuelto
worms - gusanos
window - ventana
underwear - ropa interior
understand - entender
turns - vueltas
trying - molesto
tried - intentó
telling - narración
teeth - dientes
uniform - uniforme
tattooed - tatuado
taking - tomando
sucking - succión
standing - en pie
spoon - cuchara
share - compartir
right - derecho
chicken - pollo
ditch - zanja
cause - porque
bacon - tocino
ringing - zumbido
frozen - congelado
counter - mostrador
butterfly - mariposa
explain - explique
green - verde
coming - viniendo
pretzel - galleta salada
should - debería
cigarette - cigarrillo
fingers - dedos
burnt - quemado
stole - estola
dental - dental
bullet - bala
money - dinero
floss - seda floja
barbecue - parilla
shadow - sombra
cleaning - limpieza
sleeping - dormido
after - después
black - negro
throwing - lanzamiento
sayin - sayin
gonna - va a
bucket - cangilón
shooting - disparo
bloodhound - sabueso
dancing - bailando
downtown - centro de la ciudad
crawled - rastreado
picked - escogido
pencil - lápiz
whistlin - whistlin
suckin - chupar
ridin - ridin
chill - frío
dixie - marmita
filled - lleno
fourteen - catorce
leaped - saltado
holes - agujeros
running - corriendo
hooker - puta
through - mediante
dishes - platos
little - pequeño
better - mejor
making - fabricación
mouth - boca
stars - estrellas
sauce - salsa
never - nunca
waitin - esperando
paycheck - cheque de pago
place - lugar
pointing - apuntando

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