"We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond." [-Marcel Proust-]

Honour me!

Chaldean priests

Bow to me, in adoration.


Prophets of the boundless joy,

sanctify the sin of indulgence.

We worship the sun.

We worship the moon.

Spreading like rats.

Exalted above the stars of god.

worship - rendir culto
within - dentro
might - podría
universal - universal
mercy - misericordia
named - llamado
blood - sangre
honour - honor
risen - resucitado
famed - famoso
thunder - trueno
various - varios
peace - paz
extinct - extinto
marcel - marcel
solely - solamente
sacred - sagrado
adoration - adoración
above - encima
cowardice - cobardía
bacchus - Baco
beyond - más allá
faced - enfrentado
prophets - profetas
indulgence - indulgencia
exalted - exaltado
boundless - sin límites
lifeless - sin vida
evangelize - evangelizar
blessed - bendito
delight - deleite
afraid - asustado
stars - estrellas
never - nunca
priests - sacerdotes
offering - ofrecimiento
godless - impío
phoenix - fénix
sword - espada
proust - Proust
shall - deberá
slain - matado
swords - espadas
truth - verdad
sanctify - santificar
spreading - extensión
submit - enviar
sustained - sostenido

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