The nerves are sending shimmering signals

All through my fingers

The veins support

Blood that gushes impulsively towards

Is the triumph of a heart that gives all

That gives all

The triumph of a heart that gives all

which - cual
trunks - bañador
triumph - triunfo
towards - hacia
these - estas
stubborn - obstinado
sending - enviando
velvety - aterciopelado
heading - título
heart - corazón
gives - da
serve - servir
upwards - hacia arriba
gushes - brota
brings - trae
blood - sangre
fingers - dedos
celebrate - celebrar
shimmering - reluciente
favourite - favorito
smooth - suave
nerves - nervios
enjoys - disfruta
support - apoyo
impulsively - impulsivamente
kidneys - riñones
lungs - livianos
veins - venas
oxygen - oxígeno
mouth - boca
through - mediante
network - red
signals - señales
pathways - caminos
pushing - emprendedor

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