You stray in the dark, but cut through the light of day

Ease in again to the games that you once played

Light as a footstep, but loud as deafening call

For every monster's been stoned down by love

Laugh yourself to pieces,

Shake your rattling bones

But all you hide, open your eyes

And tell yourself to leave the calling moans

Our normal life won't be the same

yourself - tú mismo
stray - extraviado
stoned - drogado
shake - sacudir
rattling - muy
pressed - presionado
every - jeder
forgot - olvidó
endless - interminable
eases - facilita
pieces - piezas
guise - guisa
still - todavía
bones - huesos
again - de nuevo
calling - vocación
games - juegos
until - hasta
footstep - paso
heart - corazón
through - mediante
normal - normal
deafening - ensordecedor
laugh - risa
played - jugó
leave - salir
light - ligero
panic - pánico
moans - gemidos
night - noche
ourselves - nosotros mismos

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