Leading us on, to the land of eternity

Riding the cold cold winds of Valhalla

The Kingdom of Odin is the Kingdom of Gods

Where only souls of the brave may rest in peace

But someone among them had the skill of deceit

And raised the hand that would open the road to Hel


When the winds of Valhalla run cold

Be sure that the blood will start to flow

winds - vientos
valhalla - valhalla
someone - alguien
skill - habilidad
sailing - navegación
riding - equitación
saved - salvado
rides - paseos
repeats - repeticiones
reach - alcanzar
chariots - carros
bravest - más valiente
nobody - nadie
souls - almas
brave - valiente
chorus - coro
seventh - séptimo
longships - largos
never - nunca
anger - enfado
start - comienzo
raise - aumento
hands - manos
among - entre
eternity - eternidad
would - haría
better - mejor
knows - sabe
where - dónde
raised - elevado
blood - sangre
itself - sí mismo
broken - roto
deceit - engaño
history - historia
kingdom - reino
century - siglo
leading - líder
serve - servir
peace - paz

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