In the dream I have seen

Fire ran through my veins

And raged neath the skin

I do feel it for real

In my mind still sounds a

Voice dictating his will

And I, unsophisticated

Enraptured atomy,

Concede that what I desire

In the end can shatter me

There are things that must befall and there are

Truths that must stay in a memory

Shrouds of lies are falling one by one and

There is more than I could ever foresee

I know they’ll come for me

To find any evidence of devilry

With the ropes I’ll be bound –

Pale and startled, -

By the crowd closed around

Under fell tortures and pressure

I won’t weep nor scream aloud

Tempered in the fiery visions,

I am and will be unbowed

where - dónde
waters - aguas
visions - visiones
immured - inmerso
confess - confesar
igneous - ígneo
falling - que cae
flesh - carne
spark - chispa
flame - llama
fiery - ardiente
enslaved - esclavizado
world - mundo
enraptured - extasiado
total - total
hearts - copas
enchained - encadenado
evidence - evidencia
until - hasta
douse - apagar
desire - deseo
deplore - deplorar
foresee - prever
sounds - sonidos
forever - siempre
through - mediante
behind - detrás
doomed - condenado
unsophisticated - no sofisticado
repentance - arrepentimiento
darkness - oscuridad
scheme - esquema
against - en contra
beyond - más allá
after - después
aloud - en voz alta
without - sin
memory - memoria
break - descanso
devilry - diablura
deeply - profundamente
unbowed - unbowed
could - podría
bound - ligado
dream - sueño
creed - credo
raged - rabioso
befall - acontecer
always - siempre
withdraw - retirar
tempered - templado
confide - confiar
rebellion - rebelión
fulsome - exagerado
closed - cerrado
concede - conceder
leaving - dejando
tumble - caída
tortures - torturas
confession - confesión
restraint - restricción
crowd - multitud
infused - infundido
later - luego
seems - parece
light - ligero
crack - grieta
pressure - presión
doesn - doesn
manifestly - Manifiestamente
blame - culpa
mirror - espejo
dictating - dictando
cause - porque
shrouds - obenques
nothing - nada
voice - voz
pieces - piezas
ropes - cuerdas
prefer - preferir
rebels - rebeldes
reign - reinado
shatter - romper
shade - sombra
shall - deberá
solitude - soledad
scream - gritar
startled - sorprendido
perfect - perfecto
still - todavía
streams - arroyos
surface - superficie
takes - toma
tears - lágrimas
truths - verdades
their - su
around - alrededor
tremendous - tremendo
there - ahí
things - cosas

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