No more blood, nor claws, nor fangs

Just an otherworldly touch

You will feel no pain, nor fear

But persistent yearning

For nonbeing

The persistent thirst for nonbeing’s

Hidden well inside one's mind

It cannot be satisfied and

Keeps haunting mankind...


Tried so fiercely

To dissent but stone-cold hands

Covered my mouth,

Strangled my neck

At objection attempts

yearning - anhelo
tried - intentó
touch - toque
thousand - mil
though - aunque
thirst - sed
drained - agotado
doors - puertas
before - antes de
dissent - disentimiento
satisfied - satisfecho
chasm - 裂口
deceived - engañado
persistent - persistente
fiercely - ferozmente
being - siendo
where - dónde
blank - blanco
fangs - colmillos
stone - piedra
could - podría
chalice - cáliz
rivers - ríos
walls - muros
bleak - desolado
teardrops - lágrimas
blissful - feliz
keeps - mantiene
blood - sangre
cursed - maldito
attempts - intentos
cannot - no poder
almost - casi
carry - llevar
mankind - humanidad
flowing - fluido
hands - manos
inside - dentro
follow - seguir
forever - siempre
haunting - obsesionante
heart - corazón
hidden - oculto
mouth - boca
strangled - estrangulado
notice - darse cuenta
claws - garras
objection - objeción
remedies - remedios
covered - cubierto
otherworldly - de otro mundo
quitting - dejar de fumar
still - todavía
there - ahí

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