Cassiopeia’s rising from her throne

(Pride, hallowed be thy name!)

Aries is ready to bleed at the steps

Of Triangulum ’s altar

Time has come, now take a deep breath

Creature of God, welcome down

Those words that sleep under the antique dust

Will be sounded again

Draw from her right vein and

Unite with the morbid symphony

Oh Snake genetrix, oh Serpent Rectrix

which - cual
welcome - bienvenido
wanted - querido
vertical - vertical
unite - unir
thousand - mil
those - aquellos
waves - olas
these - estas
immortal - inmortal
hallowed - santificado
chasm - 裂口
altar - altar
untruthful - mentiroso
pride - orgullo
eternity - eternidad
breath - aliento
draught - borrador
celestial - celestial
mouths - bocas
drink - beber
deadly - mortal
shade - sombra
orgasm - orgasmo
pupils - alumnos
words - palabras
sounded - sonaba
share - compartir
creature - criatura
cassiopeia - cassiopea
steps - pasos
always - siempre
ancient - antiguo
behold - mirad
watching - acecho
bleed - sangrar
beneath - debajo
snake - serpiente
again - de nuevo
aries - Aries
recognizing - reconociendo
angel - ángel
right - derecho
limbs - extremidades
majesty - majestad
midst - medio
moment - momento
voice - voz
under - debajo
morbid - mórbido
throne - trono
petrifying - petrificante
ready - listo
rising - creciente
serpent - serpiente
voiced - expresado
fleeting - fugaz
sleep - dormir
slowly - despacio
symphony - sinfonía
antique - antiguo
there - ahí

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