(So I've done a lot of comedy, so let's, uh, take a little break from that...and this is just a song that, if you'll just indulge me it's, uh yeah)
She was the perfect woman, in every single way,
She made the sun shine brighter, and all my cares go away.
She was the perfect woman, she was a gourmet chef,
They say that love is blind, well it's also deaf.
Cause Helen Keller was the perfect woman, and no one understands,
just how talented she was with her hands...UGH.
God made her the perfect woman, I was the finishing touch.
She was the perfect woman cause she didn't talk so much.
worker - obrero
understands - entiende
still - todavía
stared - mirado
single - soltero
naked - desnudo
played - jugó
perfect - perfecto
miracle - milagro
keller - keller
cares - cuida
brighter - más brillante
blind - ciego
finishing - refinamiento
touch - toque
gourmet - gastrónomo
cared - cuidado
cause - porque
horribly - terriblemente
better - mejor
shine - brillar
asked - preguntó
house - casa
there - ahí
alright - bien
chewbacca - Chewbacca
around - alrededor
finally - finalmente
turned - convertido
marry - casar
every - jeder
comedy - comedia
little - pequeño
could - podría
woman - Mujer
wanted - querido
talented - talentoso
indulge - complacer
break - descanso
guess - adivinar
hands - manos
think - pensar
helen - helen
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