Well, your railroad gate, you know I just can't jump it

Sometimes it gets so hard, you see

I'm just sitting here beating on my trumpet

With all these promises you left for me

But where are you tonight, sweet Marie ?

Well, I waited for you when I was half sick

Yes, I waited for you when you hated me

Well, I waited for you inside of the frozen traffic

When you knew I had some other place to be

Now where are you tonight, sweet Marie ?

Well, anybody can be just like me, obviously

But then, now again, not too many can be like you, fortunately.

yourself - tú mismo
waited - esperado
unlock - desbloquear
trumpet - trompeta
house - casa
gonna - va a
fortunately - por suerte
where - dónde
railroad - ferrocarril
follows - sigue
sometimes - a veces
forgot - olvidó
fever - fiebre
always - siempre
honest - honesto
traffic - tráfico
company - empresa
frozen - congelado
delivered - entregado
happened - pasó
again - de nuevo
address - dirección
hated - odiado
persian - persa
anybody - nadie
inside - dentro
drunkard - borracho
agree - de acuerdo
captain - capitán
promise - promesa
white - blanco
beating - paliza
tonight - esta noche
balcony - balcón
horses - caballos
outside - fuera de
yellow - amarillo
knows - sabe
stand - estar
leave - salir
sitting - sentado
penitentiary - penitenciario
obviously - obviamente
other - otro
showed - mostró
place - lugar
pockets - bolsillos
marie - marie
promises - promesas
river - río
ruins - restos
sweet - dulce
these - estas

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