"There must be some way out of here"

Said the joker to the thief

"There's too much confusion

I can't get no relief

Businessmen, they drink my wine

Plowmen dig my earth

None of them along the line

Know what any of it is worth"

"No reason to get excited"

worth - valor
women - mujer
wildcat - gato montés
while - mientras
through - mediante
thief - ladrón
there - ahí
servants - servicio
earth - tierra
plowmen - arado
princes - príncipes
drink - beber
barefoot - descalzo
businessmen - empresarios
began - empezó
confusion - confusión
kindly - amablemente
among - entre
along - a lo largo
approaching - que se acerca
distance - [object Object]
riders - jinetes
excited - emocionado
outside - fuera de
falsely - falsamente
getting - consiguiendo
relief - alivio
growl - gruñido
watchtower - torre de vigilancia
spoke - habló
joker - bromista
reason - razón

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