Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed

Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams

In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed

To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams.

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives.

Think I'll go out and go for a walk

Not much happening here, nothing ever does

Besides, if she wakes up now, she'll just want me to talk

I got nothing to say, 'specially about whatever was.

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives.

wrote - escribió
woman - Mujer
tonight - esta noche
think - pensar
worthy - digno
there - ahí
swift - rápido
wakes - despierta
stranger - desconocido
still - todavía
spring - primavera
train - tren
speaking - hablando
teach - enseñar
someone - alguien
lives - vive
heart - corazón
dreams - sueños
sight - visión
stumble - tropezón
happening - sucediendo
strange - extraño
lifetime - toda la vida
neither - ninguno
track - pista
forgives - perdona
where - dónde
honors - honores
beautiful - hermosa
everyone - todo el mundo
about - acerca de
other - otro
barefoot - descalzo
truth - verdad
darkest - más oscuro
while - mientras
whatever - lo que sea
faithfully - fielmente
sleeps - duerme
divide - dividir
along - a lo largo
noontime - mediodía
waiting - esperando
listening - escuchando
streams - arroyos
another - otro
beside - junto a
besides - además
world - mundo
outside - fuera de
lanes - carriles
creation - creación
sleeping - dormido
righteous - justo
mouth - boca
narrow - estrecho
slept - dormido
owned - propiedad
nature - naturaleza
nobody - nadie
nothing - nada
sweet - dulce
smoking - de fumar
platform - plataforma
could - podría
since - ya que
tooth - diente
myself - mí mismo
pushing - emprendedor
right - derecho
psalms - salmos
moonlit - de luna
shoes - zapatos

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