I pity the poor immigrant
Who wishes he would've stayed home
Who uses all his power to do evil
But in the end is always left so alone
That man whom with his fingers cheats
And who lies with ev'ry breath
Who passionately hates his life
And likewise fears his death.
I pity the poor immigrant
whose - cuyo
visions - visiones
through - mediante
tears - lágrimas
satisfied - satisfecho
turns - vueltas
power - poder
passionately - apasionadamente
wealth - riqueza
mouth - boca
falls - caídas
death - muerte
wishes - deseos
cheats - trucos
stayed - se quedó
blood - sangre
fingers - dedos
spent - gastado
itself - sí mismo
builds - compilaciones
breath - aliento
alone - solo
shatter - romper
fears - miedos
laughing - riendo
fills - llena
final - final
tramples - pisotear
hears - escucha
gladness - alegría
glass - vaso
strength - fuerza
comes - proviene
always - siempre
heaven - cielo
hates - odia
likewise - igualmente
immigrant - inmigrante
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